Did Ms. Spring miss the memo? You were supposed to show up for Liz and Paul’s wedding. And? Instead, Mr. Big Wind together with Mr. Assfreeze showed up. Not cool Ms. Spring =D. Here we go, rundown of the day: bridal prep, amazing wedding ceremony at St. James Church in West Hartford, pictures at Sub-Edge Farm in Farmington, somewhere in the middle of the road and an open field nearby with an awesome tree =), crazy awesome reception at Farmington Gardens. Liz and Paul, you guys were absolutely amazing and really kicked some major butt. Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your incredible day. Love you guys!
Special thanks to everyone that was such a big part of this day: Hair: Evergreen, Makeup: Melissa, DJ: Bill Richard, Venue: Farmington Gardens, Sub-Edge Farm for letting us use their beautiful farm for pictures.
Champagne on your wedding day is a must =).
Wedding dress and prep at Farmington Inn.
Bride and her junior bridesmaids =). Such a cute bunch.
Morning prep wedding drama? =D
Groom moments before the wedding ceremony at St. James Church in West Hartford.
Wedding ceremony and bride walking down with her father.
First kiss seals the deal =).
Some wedding bridal party fun at St. James church in West Hartford.
Bridesmaids just being bridesmaids =D. So awesome.
Arrived for pictures at Sub-Edge Farm in Farmington. What a beautiful place.
Lone tree with bride and groom.
Party at Farmington Gardens is about to start =).
Wedding first dance at Farmington Gardens.
Some creative photos during the wedding reception at Farmington Gardens.
Fun Fun Fun =D.